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AddressZen Gravity Forms Integration


Activate Address Lookup on your address collection forms-screenshot This integration works by hooking into Gravity Forms' custom HTML field.


This integration works by hooking into Gravity Form's custom HTML fields. Below are the instructions to add Address Lookup.

Create Address Inputs

Add address input fields to your form. These should be created using Single Line Text fields found under Standard Fields. A basic address form to capture a correct US address requires the following fields:

  • Street Line One
  • Street Line Two
  • City
  • State
  • ZIP code

You may add other address fields, which are listed on the address documentation page.

Note the Field ID number for each address field in the Single Line Text panel. You will need this later to configure the Address Lookup Plugin.

Make a note of the Field ID-screenshot

Add Address Lookup

Insert Code

Add a HTML block at the top of your form and add the Address Lookup Plugin script tag.

Configure Address Lookup fields-screenshot

<script src=""></script>

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",
outputFields: {
line_1: 'input[name="input_1"]',
line_2: 'input[name="input_2"]',
city: 'input[name="input_4"]',
state: 'input[name="input_5"]',
zip_plus_4_code: 'input[name="input_6"]'

You can optionally override CSS styles in the same HTML field. E.g.

@media only screen and (min-width: 641px) {
ul.idpc_ul {
min-width: 0 !important;
width: calc(50% - 8px);

Take special care to:

  1. Insert your API Key in the apiKey field
  2. Update the input field names of your target fields. If your Street Line One Field ID is 24, this line should be replaced with 'input[name="input_24"]'. Do this for all the address fields you wish to include


See our Address Lookup Plugin Documentation if you wish to customize Address Lookup.


If you need support, you can reach out to us on our support page.