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Installing Address Verification for Magento

To add address verification to your Magento store, follow these simple steps. You can enable address verification on your billing or shipping address forms. This guide will walk you through signing up for an account, installing the plugin, configuring it, and exploring advanced settings.


Activate Address Lookup on your address collection forms-screenshot

Works With

Listed below are 3rd party Magento extensions we test against:

Step 1: Sign Up for an Account

To use AddressZen, you’ll first need to create an account and get your API key.

  1. Sign up to create a free account.
  2. Navigate to the KEYS section in your account.
  3. Copy your API Key - you’ll need this to complete the setup in Magento. It’s a string of characters that begins with the letters ak_.

Step 2: Install the Magento Plugin

You have three ways to install the AddressZen plugin for Magento: directly through Magento marketplace, composer or manually.

Method A: Install via Magento Marketplace

This is the simplest method to integrate address verification to your Magento store.

You can purchase the extension from Magento Marketplace for free.

Method B: Install via Composer

  1. Install via composer using this command
$ composer require addresszen/magento
  1. Execute the following commands to complete the installation:
magento module:enable Addresszen_Lookup
magento setup:upgrade
magento setup:di:compile
magento setup:static-content:deploy -f

Method C: Install Manually

  1. Load the repository into your Magento directory
  2. app/code/Addresszen/Lookup needs to be present in your Magento codebase
  3. Retrieve the extension by the following methods:
  • Download and "untar" from our releases page

  • Git clone this project

    $ git clone --depth=1
  • Git clone a specific version

    $ git clone --branch <tag> -depth=1
  1. Execute the following commands to complete the installation:
magento module:enable Addresszen_Lookup
magento setup:upgrade
magento setup:di:compile
magento setup:static-content:deploy -f

Step 3: Plugin Setup

  1. Once the plugin is installed, it’s time to configure it.
  2. Head to the administration page. ClickStores Menu -> Configuration -> Services Tab -> AddressZen.
  3. Enter your API Key (the one you copied when signing up) in the designated field. You can always find the API Key under KEYS in your AddressZen account.

Configuration Options

Configuring settings-screenshot



Enable or disable extension altogether.


The API Key is required to verify your account for address verificication. This can be found on your account dashboard on


Enable Address Autocomplete

This will enable Address Lookup on the first address line on your address forms.

Remove Organization

This will prevent the organization name from being added to the address line one.

Custom Forms and Configuration

If you wish to add an additional field or using a custom form, include the parameter name from our documentation.

'line_1': 'input[name="billing_street0"]',
'line_2': 'input[name="billing_street1"]',
'city': 'input[name="billing_city"]',
'state': 'input[name="billing_state"]'
'zip_plus_4_code': 'input[name="billing_zipcode"]'


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