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Ideal Postcodes Formidable Integration


Activate address autocompletion on your address collection forms-screenshot Integrate Address Validation to Your WordPress Formidable Forms.


This integration works by hooking into Formidable Form's custom HTML functionality.

Create Address Inputs

Add address input fields to your form. A basic address form to capture a correct US address requires the following fields:

  • Street line One
  • Street line Two
  • City
  • State
  • ZIP Code

You can optionally include additional fields.


Note the Field Key under the Advanced tab of the left sidebar. You will need this later to configure Address Lookup.

The Field Key is highlighted in red-screenshot

Add Address Lookup

Navigate to the Custom HTML setting by clicking on the Settings tab, then Customize HTML in the left sidebar and scroll to After Fields. It is in the After Fields section where the Address Lookup is loaded and initialized.

Formidable Address Lookup Configuration-screenshot

Add the following Script Tag to load and initialize Address Lookup.

<script src="">

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",
outputFields: {
line_1: "#field_49qm4",
line_2: "#field_sdg3d",
city: "#field_14ydv",
state: "#field_5yzek",
zip_plus_4_code: "#field_xaiqo"

Special care is required to:

  • Update the apiKey attribute with the API Key from your account. Your API Key typically begins with ak_
  • Update the outputFields attribute with the Field Keys tied to your form inputs
  • Update the inputField attribute with the Field Key for the first line of your address form

Your API Key is required to authenticate your form with your AddressZen account.

When inserting Field Keys, they must be prepending with #field_. So if your first address line Field Key is 49qm4, the line_1 parameter is #field_49qm4.

The outputFields parameter tells the plugin where to send address fragments like first line, city, state etc. Your input fields are identified by IDs which look like #field_XXXXX.

The inputField parameter tells the plugin where the Address Lookup box should appear. Typically, this is the same as your line_1 parameter


See our Address Lookup Plugin Documentation if you wish to customize Address Lookup.


If you need support, you can reach out to us on our support page.