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API Reference - AddressZen (3.1.0)

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Getting Started



All API methods are either a GET, POST or OPTIONS request.

The API communicates over both HTTPS and plain HTTP using IPv4 and IPv6.

We recommend using HTTPS only although HTTP is available.

We use appropriate HTTP status codes where possible to indicate the request status.

Rate Limiting

Each IP address is rate limited at 30 requests per second. Tripping the rate limit will result in a 503 response.

The autocomplete API also has an additional rate limit.

If you expect to breach the limit please contact us and we can move you to an endpoint with a higher limit.


JSONP requests are supported. Include a callback= in your request as a query parameter. Your results return wrapped in a function designated by your request.


Most requests require an API key for authentication. Authenticate by passing an api_key as part of the query string. For example:

Alternatively, authentication can be transmitted via the Authorization header using the following scheme:

Authorization: api_key="iddqd" [other_key="foo"]


This API is versioned with a simple prefix in the URL. The current version is /v1/. We will maintain backwards-compatibility by releasing breaking changes under a new version.

Please note that the following changes are backwards-compatible:

  • Adding new properties to existing API responses
  • Adding new API endpoints
  • Adding new optional request parameters to existing API endpoints
  • Changing the order of properties in existing API responses
  • Changing the autocomplete address suggestion format

Error Handling

A successful lookup is accompanied with a HTTP status code of 200 and a response code of 2000 (found in the body).

An error has occurred if the HTTP status code is not 200. Errors can range from a benign 404 (resource not found) to more urgent errors (your API Key ran out of credit, failed authentication, etc).


Each new account comes with a free test balance. Contact us if you need more for testing and integration.

Community Key

Our documentation and demos make heavy use of our community key iddqd. This allows for convenient access for trialing the API.

Many restrictions on this key are relaxed to allow developers make test requests. This key has a limit of 15 lookups per IP address per day as well as a daily usage cap. If you hit any limit restrictions, you can continue testing the API by creating a key of your own and using our free test methods.

Please be kind with the community key. We're trusting everyone to use it responsibly so that other developers may trial the API. Thank you!


Requests that affect your balance may be annotated with arbitrary metadata. This data is stored along with your lookup history and can be queried at a later date via the API or the dashboard. We call the ability to label your requests tagging.

Response Codes

The API returns two indicators to help you to determine the status of each HTTP request.

The first is the HTTP Status, which is found in the status-line of all HTTP requests. The API will return status codes that adhere to HTTP /1.1 Specifications wherever possible.

2XX status codes indicates success while 4XX and 5XX indicate client and server errors respectively.

The second is the API response code, which can be found in the code property of the response body. This code will provide a more specific reason if a failure has occurred and can point you in the right direction when debugging.

Please use the glossary of code numbers and HTTP status codes below when debugging your requests.

200 Request Success

HTTP Code API Code Description
200 2000 Success. Request was completed successfully.

400 Bad Request

The request could not be understood due to some input error.

HTTP Code API Code Description
400 4000 Invalid syntax submitted. Some part of your request was malformed or did not match our specifications.
400 4001 Validation failed on your submitted data. Some of the data you provided did not meet our validation requirements, e.g. string length.
400 4005 Invalid start date. Please ensure start dates are provided as a UTC Timestamp in milliseconds.
400 4006 Invalid end date. Please ensure end dates are provided as a UTC Timestamp in milliseconds.
400 4007 Invalid date range. Check if your start and end dates are in the right order.
400 4008 Invalid date range. Check that your date range is 90 days or less.
400 4009 Too many tags. Please specify no more than 3 tags to query.

401 Unauthorised

Authorization credentials are not valid.

HTTP Code API Code Description
401 4010 Invalid Key. The api_key you provided is not valid.
401 4011 Requesting URL not on whitelist. The cross domain request is not coming from a whitelisted URL. You can update or disable your allowed URLs via your Key settings.
401 4012 Failed user authentication. Invalid user_token presented.
401 4013 Licensee Key is required. Sublicensed keys require you need to present licensee credentials via the licensee parameter.

402 Request Failed

Your request is well-formed but are not able to complete your request for another reason.

HTTP Code API Code Description
402 4020 Key balance depleted. You're out of lookups on your API Key.
402 4021 Limit reached. One of your lookup limits has been breached for today. This could either be your total daily limit on your key or the individual IP limit. You can either wait for for the limit to reset (after a day) or manually disable or increase your limit.

404 Resource Not Found

The resource you requested does not exist.

HTTP Code API Code Description
404 4040 Postcode not found. The postcode you have submitted does not exist.
404 4041 User not found. Your user could not be identified given the credentials you presented.
404 4042 Key not found. Your key could not be identified given the credentials you presented.
404 4044 No UDPRN found. No address is associated with the UDPRN queried
404 4045 No licensee found. Your licensee could not be identified given the credentials you presented.
404 4046 No UMPRN found. No Multiple Residence premise is associated with the UMPRN queried.

500 Server Error

A error occurred on our server.

HTTP Code API Code Description
500 5000 An error occurred on our end. These errors are logged and queued so we can understand what went wrong. However, if you need speedy resolution please email support
500 5001 Akin to 5000.
500 5002 The server took too long to process on our end, so we aborted the request. You may retry the request.

Find Address

The address autocomplete API returns a list of address suggestions that match the query ordered by relevance.

This API can be used to power realtime address finders, also known as address autofill or address autocomplete.

Consider using our Address Autocomplete JavaScript libraries to add address lookup to a form in moments.

Implementing Address Autocomplete

Rapid address autocompletion using our Address Autocomplete API is a 2 step process.

  1. Retrieve partial address suggestions via /autocomplete/addresses
  2. Retrieve the entire address with the ID provided in the suggestion

Step 2 will decrement your lookup balance.

Please note, this API is not intended to be a free standalone resource.


You can strictly narrow your result by adding filters to your querystring. For instance, you can restrict to postcode SW1A 2AA by appending postcode=sw1a2aa.

If a filter term is invalid, e.g. postcode=SW1A2AAA, then an empty result set is returned and no lookup is incurred.

You can also scope using multiple terms for the same filter with a comma separated list of terms. E.g. Restrict results to E1, E2 and E3 outward codes: postcode_outward=e1,e2,e3. Multiple terms are OR'ed, i.e. the matching result sets are combined.

All filters can accept multiple terms unless stated otherwise below.

Filters can also be combined. E.g. Restrict results to small user organisations in the N postcode area: su_organisation_indicator=Y&postcode_area=n. Multiple filters are AND'ed, i.e. each additional filter narrows the result set.

A maximum of 10 terms are allowed across all filters.


You can boost certain addresses results that match specific address criteria. All bias searches are prefixed with bias_.

Biasing (unlike filtering) also allow unmatched addresses to appear with lower precedence.

For instance, can boost addresses with postcode areas SW and SE by appending bias_postcode_area=SW,SE.

No bias effect applies to bias terms that are invalid. e.g. bias_postcode=SW1A2AAA

You may scope using multiple terms for the same bias with a comma separated list of terms. E.g. Restrict results to E1, E2 and E3 outward codes: bias_postcode_outward=e1,e2,e3.

All biases can accept multiple terms unless stated otherwise below.

A combined maximum of 5 terms are allowed across all biases.

Suggestion Format

The suggestion format is prone to change over time. Attempts to parse the suggestion may result in your integration breaking. Instead use the suggestion as-is.

Rate Limiting

You can make up to 3000 requests to the autocomplete API within a 5 minute span. The HTTP Header contains information on your current rate limit.

Header Description
X-RateLimit-Limit The maximum number of requests that can be made in 5 minutes
X-RateLimit-Remaining The remaining requests within the current rate limit window
X-RateLimit-Reset The time when the rate limit window resets in Unix Time (seconds) or UTC Epoch seconds


This API currently does not affect your balance. However, resolving a suggestion into a full address requires a paid request.

Please note, this API is not intended as a standalone free resource. Integrations that consistently make autocomplete requests without a paid request to resolve an address may be disrupted via tightened rate limits. Continued misuse will result in account suspension.

query Parameters
string (API Key)
Example: api_key=ak_hk71kco54zGSGvF9eXXrvvnMOLLNh

Your API Key. Typically beings ak_.

Available from your dashboard


Specifies the address you wish to query. Query can be shortened to q=

string (Context)

Limits search results within a geographical boundary or country.

integer <int32> (Limit) [ 1 .. 100 ]
Default: 10
Example: limit=5

Limits number of address suggestions unless a postcode is detected. In this instance entire list of addreses for that postcode is returned.

string (Postcode Outward)
Example: postcode_outward=1AA

Filter by outward code.

string (Postcode)
Example: postcode=SW1A 2AA

Filter by postcode. Can be combined with query to perform a postcode + building number/name search.

string (Postcode Area)
Example: postcode_area=SW

Filter by postcode. Can be combined with query to perform a postcode + building number/name search.

string (Postcode Sector)
Example: postcode_sector=SW1A 2

Filter by postcode sector, the outward code plus first numeric of the inward code.

string (Post Town)
Example: post_town=London

Filter by town.

integer (UPRN)
Example: uprn=100023336956

Filters by UPRN. Does not accept comma separated terms. Only a single term is permitted

string (Country)
Example: country=England

Filter by country. Possible values are England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man.

string (Country)
Example: postcode_type=L

Filter by Postcode Type. Useful for separating organisational and residential addresses

string (SU Organisation Indicator)
Example: su_organisation_indicator=Y

Filter by Organisation Indicator. Useful for separating organisational and residential addresses

string (Box)
Example: box=2.095,57.15,-2.096,57.14

Restrict search to a geospatial box determined by the "top-left" and "bottom-right" gelocations. Only one geospatial box can be provided.

string (Bias Postcode Outward)

Bias by outward code

string (Bias Postcode)
Example: bias_postcode=/addresses?postcode=SW1A2AA&q=10

Bias by postcode. Can be combined with query to perform a postcode + building number/name search.

string (Bias Postcode Area)
Example: bias_postcode_area=The postcode area of SW1A 2AA and N1 6RT are SW and N respectively

Bias by postcode area, the first one or two non-numeric characters of a postcode.

string (Bias Postcode Sector)
Example: bias_postcode_sector=SW1A 2AA is SW1A 2

Bias by postcode sector, the outward code plus first numeric of the inward code.

string (Bias Post Town)

Bias by town.

string (Bias Thoroughfare)

Bias by street name.

string (Bias County)

Bias by country. Possible values are England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man.

string (Bias Lon/Lat)
Example: bias_lonlat=-2.095,57.15,100

Bias search to a geospatial circle determined by an origin and radius in meters. Max radius is 50000. Uses the format bias_lonlat=[longitude],[latitude],[radius in metres] Only one geospatial bias may be provided

string (Bias query by Geolocation of IP)
Value: "true"
Example: bias_ip=bias_ip=true

Biases search based on approximate geolocation of IP address. Set bias_ip=true to enable.


Request samples

Response samples

Content type
  • "result": {
  • "code": 2000,
  • "message": "Success"

Resolve Address (GBR)

Resolves an address autocompletion by its address ID.

Resolved addresses (including global addresses) are returned in a UK format (up to 3 address lines) using UK nomenclature (like postcode and county).

path Parameters

ID of address suggestion

query Parameters
string (API Key)
Example: api_key=ak_hk71kco54zGSGvF9eXXrvvnMOLLNh

Your API Key. Typically beings ak_.

Available from your dashboard


Request samples

Response samples

Content type
  • "code": 2000,
  • "message": "Success",
  • "result": {

Resolve Address (USA)

Resolves an address autocompletion by its address ID.

Resolved addresses (including global addresses) are returned in a US format (up to 2 address lines) using US nomenclature (like zipcode, state and city).

path Parameters

ID of address suggestion

query Parameters
string (API Key)
Example: api_key=ak_hk71kco54zGSGvF9eXXrvvnMOLLNh

Your API Key. Typically beings ak_.

Available from your dashboard


Request samples|1||1101/usa?api_key=iddqd

Response samples

Content type
  • "code": 2000,
  • "message": "Success",
  • "result": {


UK Address and Postcode Search

Lookup Postcode

Returns the complete list of addresses for a postcode. Postcode searches are space and case insensitive.

The Postcode Lookup API provides a JSON interface to search UK addresses from a postcode. It can be used to power Postcode Lookup driven address searches, like Postcode Lookup.

Postcode Not Found

Lookup balance is unaffected by invalid postcodes. The API returns a 404 response with response body:

  "code": 4040,
  "message": "Postcode not found",
  "suggestions": ["SW1A 0AA"]


If a postcode cannot be found, the API will provide up to 5 closest matching postcodes. Common errors will be corrected first (e.g. mixing up O and 0 or I and 1).

If the suggestion list is small (fewer than 3), there is a high probability the correct postcode is there. You may notify the user or immediately trigger new searches.

The suggestion list will be empty if the postcode has deviated too far from a valid postcode format.

Multiple Residence

A small number of postcodes will return more than 100 premises. These may require pagination. Use page to paginate the result set.

path Parameters
string (Postcode) [ 6 .. 8 ] characters
Example: SW1A 2AA

Postcode to retrieve

query Parameters
string (API Key)
Example: api_key=ak_hk71kco54zGSGvF9eXXrvvnMOLLNh

Your API Key. Typically beings ak_.

Available from your dashboard

string (Filter)
Example: filter=line_1,line_2,line_3

Comma separated whitelist of address elements to return.

E.g. filter=line_1,line_2,line_3 returns only line_1, line_2 and line_3 address elements in your response

integer <int32> (Page) >= 0
Default: 0
Example: page=0

0 indexed indicator of the page of results to receive. Virtually all postcode results are returned on page 0.

A small number of Multiple Residence postcodes may need pagination (i.e. have more than 100 premises).


Request samples

Response samples

Content type
  • "result": [
  • "code": 2000,
  • "message": "Success"

Retrieve by UDPRN

Returns an address as identified by its Unique Delivery Point Reference Number (UDPRN).

You may find it useful to store UDPRN information as it can be used to retrieve the most recent information for an address. It can also be used to test for a deleted address.

UDPRNs are an eight digit unique numeric code (e.g. 25962203) for any premise on the Postcode Address File. It's essentially a unique identifier for every address in the UK that Royal Mail has in its database.


To test your implementation of our API we have a range of test UDPRNs that yield both successful and unsuccessful responses to your request.

They are the following:

  • 0 Returns a successful UDPRN lookup response 2000
  • -1 Returns "UDPRN not found", error 4044
  • -2 Returns "no lookups remaining", error 4020
  • -3 Returns "daily (or individual) lookup limit breached", error 4021

Test request undergo the usual authentication and restriction rules. This is to help surface any issues that occur during implementation and does not cost you a lookup.

path Parameters

UDPRN to be retrieved

query Parameters
string (API Key)
Example: api_key=ak_hk71kco54zGSGvF9eXXrvvnMOLLNh

Your API Key. Typically beings ak_.

Available from your dashboard

string (Filter)
Example: filter=line_1,line_2,line_3

Comma separated whitelist of address elements to return.

E.g. filter=line_1,line_2,line_3 returns only line_1, line_2 and line_3 address elements in your response


Request samples

Response samples

Content type
  • "result": {
  • "code": 2000,
  • "message": "Success"

Retrieve by UMPRN

Returns a multiple occupancy address identifited via its UMPRN (Multiple Residence Unique ID).

UMPRNs are a unique numeric code for any Multiple Residence household on the optional Multiple Residence dataset.


To test your implementation of our API we have a range of test UMPRNs that yield both successful and unsuccessful responses to your request. They are the following

  • 0 Returns a successful UMPRN lookup response 2000
  • -1 Returns "UMPRN not found", error 4044
  • -2 Returns "no lookups remaining", error 4020
  • -3 Returns "daily (or individual) lookup limit breached", error 4021

Test request undergo the usual authentication and restriction rules. This is to help surface any issues that occur during implementation and does not cost you a lookup.


Per lookup charges apply. Empty responses are not charged.

path Parameters

UMPRN to be retrieved

query Parameters
string (API Key)
Example: api_key=ak_hk71kco54zGSGvF9eXXrvvnMOLLNh

Your API Key. Typically beings ak_.

Available from your dashboard

string (Filter)
Example: filter=line_1,line_2,line_3

Comma separated whitelist of address elements to return.

E.g. filter=line_1,line_2,line_3 returns only line_1, line_2 and line_3 address elements in your response


Request samples

Response samples

Content type
  • "result": {
  • "code": 2000,
  • "message": "Success"

Extract Addresses

Extract a list of complete addresses that match the query ordered by relevance score. This query accepts an optional limit and page query (defaults to 10 and 0 respectively).

If a valid postcode is passed as the query string, the entire address list for that postcode is passed as a result. Note, in these cases, limit and page parameters are ignored.

This API is designed as a multi-purpose tool for generating address lists, cleansing and wholesale data extraction according to specific parameters.

For address autocomplete, see our address finder API - which is designed for speed and address completion.

Reverse Geocoding

Return a list of addresses around a point using the lon= and lat= querystring arguments. Addresses will be sorted in order of distance to the point. The search radius is 100m.


You can strictly narrow your result by adding filters to your query string which correspond with an address attribute.

For instance, you can restrict to postcode SW1A 2AA by appending postcode=sw1a2aa.

If a filter term is invalid, e.g. postcode=SW1A2AAA, then an empty result set is returned and no lookup is incurred.

You can also scope using multiple terms for the same filter with a comma separated list of terms. E.g. Restrict results to E1, E2 and E3 outward codes: postcode_outward=e1,e2,e3. Multiple terms are OR'ed, i.e. the matching result sets are combined.

All filters can accept multiple terms unless stated otherwise below.

Multiple filters can also be combined. E.g. Restrict results to small user organisations in the N postcode area: su_organisation_indicator=Y&postcode_area=n. Multiple filters are AND'ed, i.e. each additional filter narrows the result set.

A combined maximum of 5 terms are allowed across all filters.


You can boost certain addresses results that correspond with a certain address attribute. All bias searches are prefixed with bias_.

Biased searches, unlike filtered searches, also allow unmatched addresses to appear . These will rank lower.

For instance, you can boost addresses with postcode areas SW and SE by appending bias_postcode_area=SW,SE.

If a bias term is invalid, e.g. bias_postcode=SW1A2AAA no bias effect is applied.

You may scope using multiple terms for the same bias with a comma separated list of terms. E.g. Restrict results to E1, E2 and E3 outward codes: bias_postcode_outward=e1,e2,e3.

All biases can accept multiple terms unless stated otherwise below.

A combined maximum of 5 terms are allowed across all biases.

Search by Postcode and Building Name or Number

Search by postcode and building attribute with the postcode filter and query argument. E.g. For "SW1A 2AA Prime Minister" /v1/addresses?postcode=sw1a2aa&q=prime minister.

The advantage of using filters is a postcode mismatch does not result in a lookup as no results are returned.

Search By UPRN

Search by UPRN using the uprn filter and excluding the query argument. E.g. /v1/addresses?uprn=100.


  • ID1 1QD Returns a successful query response 2000
  • ID1 KFA Returns an empty query response 2000
  • ID1 CLIP Returns "no lookups remaining" error 4020
  • ID1 CHOP Returns "daily (or individual) lookup limit breached" error 4021

Test request undergo the usual authentication and restriction rules. This is to help surface any issues that occur during implementation and does not cost you a lookup.

query Parameters
string (API Key)
Example: api_key=ak_hk71kco54zGSGvF9eXXrvvnMOLLNh

Your API Key. Typically beings ak_.

Available from your dashboard


Specifies the address you wish to query. Query can be shortened to q=

integer <int32> (Limit) [ 1 .. 100 ]
Default: 10
Example: limit=5

Specifies the maximum number of suggestions to retrieve.

By default the limit is 10, unless a postcode is queried (then all addresses at that postcode will be returned). Limit can be shortened to l=

integer <int32> (Page) >= 0
Default: 0
Example: page=0

0 indexed indicator of the page of results to receive. Virtually all postcode results are returned on page 0.

A small number of Multiple Residence postcodes may need pagination (i.e. have more than 100 premises).

string (Filter)
Example: filter=line_1,line_2,line_3

Comma separated whitelist of address elements to return.

E.g. filter=line_1,line_2,line_3 returns only line_1, line_2 and line_3 address elements in your response

number <float> (Longitude) [ -90 .. 90 ]
Example: lon=-0.12767

Longitude query for reverse geocoding.

An accompanying latitude (lat=) query must be submitted for a valid reverse geocode query.

number <float> (Latitude) [ -90 .. 90 ]
Example: lat=51.503541

Latitude query for reverse geocoding.

An accompanying longitude (lon=) query must be submitted for a valid reverse geocode query.

string (Postcode Outward)
Example: postcode_outward=1AA

Filter by outward code.

string (Postcode)
Example: postcode=SW1A 2AA

Filter by postcode. Can be combined with query to perform a postcode + building number/name search.

string (Postcode Area)
Example: postcode_area=SW

Filter by postcode. Can be combined with query to perform a postcode + building number/name search.

string (Postcode Sector)
Example: postcode_sector=SW1A 2

Filter by postcode sector, the outward code plus first numeric of the inward code.

string (Post Town)
Example: post_town=London

Filter by town.

integer (UPRN)
Example: uprn=100023336956

Filters by UPRN. Does not accept comma separated terms. Only a single term is permitted

string (Country)
Example: country=England

Filter by country. Possible values are England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man.

string (Country)
Example: postcode_type=L

Filter by Postcode Type. Useful for separating organisational and residential addresses

string (SU Organisation Indicator)
Example: su_organisation_indicator=Y

Filter by Organisation Indicator. Useful for separating organisational and residential addresses

string (Box)
Example: box=2.095,57.15,-2.096,57.14

Restrict search to a geospatial box determined by the "top-left" and "bottom-right" gelocations. Only one geospatial box can be provided.

string (Bias Postcode Outward)

Bias by outward code

string (Bias Postcode)
Example: bias_postcode=/addresses?postcode=SW1A2AA&q=10

Bias by postcode. Can be combined with query to perform a postcode + building number/name search.

string (Bias Postcode Area)
Example: bias_postcode_area=The postcode area of SW1A 2AA and N1 6RT are SW and N respectively

Bias by postcode area, the first one or two non-numeric characters of a postcode.

string (Bias Postcode Sector)
Example: bias_postcode_sector=SW1A 2AA is SW1A 2

Bias by postcode sector, the outward code plus first numeric of the inward code.

string (Bias Post Town)

Bias by town.

string (Bias Thoroughfare)

Bias by street name.

string (Bias County)

Bias by country. Possible values are England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man.

string (Bias Lon/Lat)
Example: bias_lonlat=-2.095,57.15,100

Bias search to a geospatial circle determined by an origin and radius in meters. Max radius is 50000. Uses the format bias_lonlat=[longitude],[latitude],[radius in metres] Only one geospatial bias may be provided


Request samples

Response samples

Content type
  • "code": 2000,
  • "message": "Success",
  • "result": {


Monitor and manage API Keys


Returns public information on key. Currently only returns whether the key is currently useable via the available property. Use this to discover if the key is useable before making further requests.

You may pass both API Keys (beginning ak_) and Sub-licensed Keys (beginning sl_).


To test your implementation of our API, you may use the following test keys.

  • iddqd Availability will return as true
  • idkfa Availability will return as false
path Parameters
string (API Key)
Example: ak_hk71kco54zGSGvF9eXXrvvnMOLLNh

Your API Key. Typically beings ak_.

Available from your dashboard


Response samples

Content type
  • "result": {
  • "message": "Success",
  • "code": 2000


Returns private data on the key including remaining lookups, available datasets and usage limits.

path Parameters
string (API Key)
Example: ak_hk71kco54zGSGvF9eXXrvvnMOLLNh

Your API Key. Typically beings ak_.

Available from your dashboard

query Parameters
string (User Token)
Example: user_token=uk_B59ScW1p1HHouf1VqclEPZUx

A secret key used for sensitive operations on your account and API Keys.

Your user token can be retrieved and managed from your accounts page.

Typically beings uk_...


Response samples

Content type
  • "result": {
  • "code": 2000,
  • "message": "Success"

Usage Stats

Reports the number of lookups consumed on a key for a range of days.

A maximum interval of 90 days can be provided for analysis. If no start or end date is provided, the last 21 days will be used as the default interval.

path Parameters
string (API Key)
Example: ak_hk71kco54zGSGvF9eXXrvvnMOLLNh

Your API Key. Typically beings ak_.

Available from your dashboard

query Parameters
integer <int32> (Start Time)
Example: start=1418556452651

A start date/time in the form of a UNIX Timestamp in milliseconds, e.g. 1418556452651. If no start time is provided, the start time will be assigned to a time 21 days prior to the end time.

integer <int32> (End Time)
Example: end=1418556477882

An end date/time in the form of a UNIX Timestamp in milliseconds, e.g. 1418556452651. If no end time is provided, the current time will be used.

string (Tags)
Example: tags=foo,bar

A comma separated list of tags to query over.

Useful if you want to specify the circumstances in which the request was made.

If multiple tags are specified, the response will only comprise of requests for which all the tags are satisfied - i.e. searching "foo,bar" will only query requests which tagged both "foo" and "bar".

string (Licensee Key)
Example: licensee=sk_hk71kco54zGSGvF9eXXrvvnMOLLNh

Sublicensed keys only. This will restrict the analysed dataset to a specific licensee.


Request samples

Response samples

Content type
  • "result": {
  • "code": 2000,
  • "message": "Success"

Logs (CSV)

Reports lookup information on a key for paid lookups.

This method requires a user_token, which can be found on your accounts page.

A maximum interval of 90 days can be provided for analysis. If no start or end date is provided, the last 21 days will be used as the default interval.

Download Usage History (CSV)

GET /keys/:key/lookups

Returns a CSV download of lookups performed and associated information.

Note that the Content-Type returned will be CSV (text/csv). For a non 200 response, the Content-Type will revert to JSON with the error code and message embedded.

Data Redaction

Personally Identifiable Data (PII) caught in this your usage log (including IP, search term and URL data) will be redacted on a weekly basis.

By default, PII will be redacted if it is older than 21 days. This timeframe can be configured from your dashboard.

You may prevent PII collection altogether by setting the interval to 0 days.

path Parameters
string (API Key)
Example: ak_hk71kco54zGSGvF9eXXrvvnMOLLNh

Your API Key. Typically beings ak_.

Available from your dashboard

query Parameters
integer <int32> (Start Time)
Example: start=1418556452651

An start date/time in the form of a UNIX Timestamp in milliseconds, e.g. 1418556452651. If no start time is provided, the start time will be assigned to a time 21 days prior to the end time.

integer <int32> (End Time)
Example: end=1418556477882

An end date/time in the form of a UNIX Timestamp in milliseconds, e.g. 1418556452651. If no end time is provided, the current time will be used.

string (Licensee Key)
Example: licensee=sk_hk71kco54zGSGvF9eXXrvvnMOLLNh

Sublicensed keys only. This will restrict the analysed dataset to a specific licensee.


Request samples

Response samples

Content type
2015-02-21T16:05:22.991Z,,SW12AA,,Postcode Lookup,
2015-02-21T16:05:38.298Z,,10 Downing Street London,,Address Lookup,CRM
2015-02-21T16:06:49.227Z,,OX44PP,,Postcode Lookup,"Website,Live"
2015-02-21T16:07:02.706Z,,PL9 9HE,,Postcode Lookup,


The Licensee resource represents an alternate legal End User of our data who may not be same entity as the owners of the account.

The concept of Licensees underpins our sublicensing platform, which allows users to license multiple external organisations or individuals to access data under the same account.

Sublicensing is ideal for platform vendors, who provide services to multiple clients who in turn each have their own users.


Returns a list of licensees for a key.

path Parameters
string (API Key)
Example: ak_hk71kco54zGSGvF9eXXrvvnMOLLNh

Your API Key. Typically beings ak_.

Available from your dashboard

query Parameters
integer <int32>

Specify ID of the licensee after which you would like to list results

string (User Token)
Example: user_token=uk_B59ScW1p1HHouf1VqclEPZUx

A secret key used for sensitive operations on your account and API Keys.

Your user token can be retrieved and managed from your accounts page.

Typically beings uk_...

integer <int32> (Limit) [ 1 .. 100 ]
Default: 10
Example: limit=5

Specify the maximum number of results to return per page. Default and maximum is 100.


Filter result by licensee name. Query can be shortened to q=


Response samples

Content type
  • "result": {
  • "message": "Success",
  • "code": 2000


Create a licensee for the specified API Key.

path Parameters
string (API Key)
Example: ak_hk71kco54zGSGvF9eXXrvvnMOLLNh

Your API Key. Typically beings ak_.

Available from your dashboard

query Parameters
string (User Token)
Example: user_token=uk_B59ScW1p1HHouf1VqclEPZUx

A secret key used for sensitive operations on your account and API Keys.

Your user token can be retrieved and managed from your accounts page.

Typically beings uk_...

Request Body schema: application/json

Licensee individual or organisation name


Licensee's first, second and third line address as well as post town concatenated by commas


Licensee's postcode

Array of strings

A list of allowed URLs. An empty list means that whitelisting is disabled



Request samples

Content type
  • "name": "Qwerty Widgets Limited",
  • "address": "12 High Street, Manchester",
  • "postcode": "ID1 1QD",
  • "whitelist": [],
  • "daily": {

Response samples

Content type
  • "result": {
  • "code": 2000,
  • "message": "Success"


Returns licensee information as identified by the licensee key.

path Parameters
string (API Key)
Example: ak_hk71kco54zGSGvF9eXXrvvnMOLLNh

Your API Key. Typically beings ak_.

Available from your dashboard

string (Licensee Key)
Example: sk_hk71kco54zGSGvF9eXXrvvnMOLLNh

Uniquely identifies a licensee

query Parameters
string (User Token)
Example: user_token=uk_B59ScW1p1HHouf1VqclEPZUx

A secret key used for sensitive operations on your account and API Keys.

Your user token can be retrieved and managed from your accounts page.

Typically beings uk_...


Response samples

Content type
  • "result": {
  • "code": 2000,
  • "message": "Success"


Cancels a licensee key. This renders a licensee unusable. This action can be reversed if you get in contact with us.

path Parameters
string (API Key)
Example: ak_hk71kco54zGSGvF9eXXrvvnMOLLNh

Your API Key. Typically beings ak_.

Available from your dashboard

string (Licensee Key)
Example: sk_hk71kco54zGSGvF9eXXrvvnMOLLNh

Uniquely identifies a licensee

query Parameters
string (User Token)
Example: user_token=uk_B59ScW1p1HHouf1VqclEPZUx

A secret key used for sensitive operations on your account and API Keys.

Your user token can be retrieved and managed from your accounts page.

Typically beings uk_...


Response samples

Content type
  • "result": {
  • "code": 2000,
  • "message": "Success"


Update Licensee

path Parameters
string (API Key)
Example: ak_hk71kco54zGSGvF9eXXrvvnMOLLNh

Your API Key. Typically beings ak_.

Available from your dashboard

string (Licensee Key)
Example: sk_hk71kco54zGSGvF9eXXrvvnMOLLNh

Uniquely identifies a licensee

query Parameters
string (User Token)
Example: user_token=uk_B59ScW1p1HHouf1VqclEPZUx

A secret key used for sensitive operations on your account and API Keys.

Your user token can be retrieved and managed from your accounts page.

Typically beings uk_...

Request Body schema: application/json

Licensee individual or organisation name


Licensee's first, second and third line address as well as post town concatenated by commas


Licensee's postcode

Array of strings

A list of allowed URLs. An empty list means that whitelisting is disabled



Request samples

Content type
  • "name": "Qwerty Widgets Limited",
  • "address": "12 High Street, Manchester",
  • "postcode": "ID1 1QD",
  • "whitelist": [],
  • "daily": {

Response samples

Content type
  • "result": {
  • "code": 2000,
  • "message": "Success"


The Config resource allows users to assign serialised configuration data to API Keys. The payloads assigned to a Config object can later be retrieved to dynamically configure your integration.

Useful if you need to configure your integration remotely rather than editing code in situ.


Lists configurations associated with a key

path Parameters
string (API Key)
Example: ak_hk71kco54zGSGvF9eXXrvvnMOLLNh

Your API Key. Typically beings ak_.

Available from your dashboard

query Parameters
string (User Token)
Example: user_token=uk_B59ScW1p1HHouf1VqclEPZUx

A secret key used for sensitive operations on your account and API Keys.

Your user token can be retrieved and managed from your accounts page.

Typically beings uk_...


Response samples

Content type
  • "result": {
  • "message": "Success",
  • "code": 2000


Create a config

path Parameters
string (API Key)
Example: ak_hk71kco54zGSGvF9eXXrvvnMOLLNh

Your API Key. Typically beings ak_.

Available from your dashboard

query Parameters
string (User Token)
Example: user_token=uk_B59ScW1p1HHouf1VqclEPZUx

A secret key used for sensitive operations on your account and API Keys.

Your user token can be retrieved and managed from your accounts page.

Typically beings uk_...

Request Body schema: application/json
string [ 0 .. 32 ]

A unique name to identify the configuration payload

string [ 0 .. 4096 ]

A serialised payload of up to 4096 characters


Request samples

Content type
  • "name": "woocommerce",
  • "payload": "{\n \"removeOrganisation\": false\n}\n"

Response samples

Content type
  • "result": {
  • "code": 2000,
  • "message": "Success"


Retrieve config object by name

path Parameters
string (API Key)
Example: ak_hk71kco54zGSGvF9eXXrvvnMOLLNh

Your API Key. Typically beings ak_.

Available from your dashboard

string (Configuration Name)
Example: idpc-be

User provided configuration object name


Response samples

Content type
  • "result": {
  • "code": 2000,
  • "message": "Success"


Permanently deletes a configuration object.

path Parameters
string (API Key)
Example: ak_hk71kco54zGSGvF9eXXrvvnMOLLNh

Your API Key. Typically beings ak_.

Available from your dashboard

string (Configuration Name)
Example: idpc-be

User provided configuration object name

query Parameters
string (User Token)
Example: user_token=uk_B59ScW1p1HHouf1VqclEPZUx

A secret key used for sensitive operations on your account and API Keys.

Your user token can be retrieved and managed from your accounts page.

Typically beings uk_...


Response samples

Content type
  • "result": {
  • "code": 2000,
  • "message": "Success"


Updates configuration object

path Parameters
string (API Key)
Example: ak_hk71kco54zGSGvF9eXXrvvnMOLLNh

Your API Key. Typically beings ak_.

Available from your dashboard

string (Configuration Name)
Example: idpc-be

User provided configuration object name

query Parameters
string (User Token)
Example: user_token=uk_B59ScW1p1HHouf1VqclEPZUx

A secret key used for sensitive operations on your account and API Keys.

Your user token can be retrieved and managed from your accounts page.

Typically beings uk_...

Request Body schema: application/json
string [ 0 .. 4096 ]

A serialised payload of up to 4096 characters


Request samples

Content type
  • "payload": "{\n \"removeOrganisation\": false\n}\n"

Response samples

Content type
  • "result": {
  • "code": 2000,
  • "message": "Success"

Address Suggestion

Address Suggestions are simple, human readable representations of an address. This format is sufficient tfor a user to determine an address match in an address autocomplete interface. A second request must be made to the API to gather fully validated address.

See our Address Search APIs for more information on address autocompletion.

string (ID)

Global unique internally generated identifier for an address


Address Suggestion to be displayed to the user

  • "id": "paf_8387729",
  • "suggestion": "Flat 6, 12 Roskear, Camborne, TR14",
  • "urls": { }

US Address

Standard US Address format as reported by USPS.

string (ID)

Global unique internally generated identifier for an address

string (USA Dataset)
Value: "usps"

Identifies the address as sourced from USPS

string (Country)
Enum: "United States" "Guam" "Puerto Rico"

Full country names (ISO 3166)

string (ISO Country Code (3))
Enum: "USA" "PRI" "GUM"

3 letter country code (ISO 3166-1)

string (ISO Country Code (2))
Enum: "US" "PR" "GU"

2 letter country code (ISO 3166-1)

string (Language)
Value: "en"

Language represented by 2 letter ISO Code (639-1)

string (Primary Number)

A house, rural route, contract box, or Post Office Box number. The numeric or alphanumeric component of an address preceding the street name. Often referred to as house number.

string (Secondary Number)

Number of the sub unit, apartment, suite etc

string (Plus 4 Code)

4 digit ZIP add-on code.

string (First Address Line)

The primary delivery line (usually the street address) of the address.

string (Second Address Line)

Secondary delivery line of the address. Typically populated if the first line is the firm or building name.

string (Last Line)

Last line of the address comprising of city, state, zip code and zip+4

string (ZIP Code)

A 5-digit code that identifies a specific geographic delivery area. ZIP Codes can represent an area within a state, or a single building or company that has a very high mail volume.

string (ZIP + 4 Code)

Nine-digit code that identifies a small geographic delivery area that is serviceable by a single carrier; appears in the last line of the address on a mail piece.

string (Update Key Number)

Field that contains a number that uniquely identifies a record; used to identify the base record to which an add or delete transaction is being directed. The Update Key Number field is used only when applying transactions to the base file; it is not used in address matching and remains fixed for the life of the record. The field is alphanumeric and consists of the database segment code (V1, V2, W1, W2, X1, X2, Y1, Y2, Z1, or Z2) and eight characters containing an alphanumeric value ranging from 00000001 to AAAAAAAA.

string (Record Type Code)
Enum: "G" "H" "F" "S" "P" "R" "M" ""

An alphabetic value that identifies the type of data in the record. - G = General delivery (5-Digit ZIP, ZIP + 4, and Carrier Route products) - H = High-rise (ZIP + 4 only) - F = Firm (ZIP + 4 only) - S = Street (5-Digit ZIP, ZIP + 4, and Carrier Route products) - P = PO Box (5-Digit ZIP, ZIP + 4, and Carrier Route products) - R = Rural route/contract (5-Digit ZIP, ZIP + 4, and Carrier Route products) - M = Multi-carrier (Carrier Route product only)

string (Carrier Route ID)

A 4 character ID identifying the postal route for the address. The first character indicates the route type. Specifically:

  • "B" indicates PO Box
  • "H" indicates highway
  • "C" indicates city
  • "G" indicates general
  • "R" indicates rural
string (Street Pre-Directional Abbreviation)

A geographic direction that precedes the street name.

string (Street Name)

The official name of a street as assigned by a local governing authority. The Street Name field contains only the street name and does not include directionals (EAST, WEST, etc.) or suffixes (ST, DR, BLVD, etc.). This element may also contain literals, such as PO BOX, GENERAL DELIVERY, USS, PSC, or UNIT.

string (Street Suffix Abbreviation)

Code that is the standard USPS abbreviation for the trailing designator in a street address.

string (Street Post Directional Abbreviation)

A geographic direction that follows the street name.

string (Building or Firm Name)

The name of a company, building, apartment complex, shopping center, or other distinguishing secondary address information. This field is normally used with firm and highrise records but may also contain literals such as “Postmaster” or “United States Postal Service.”

string (Address Secondary Abbreviation)

A descriptive code used to identify the type of address secondary range information in the Address Secondary Range field. This code may be useful in address matching, e.g., the secondary address numbers may indicate apartment, suite, or trailer numbers.

string (Base Alternate Code)
Enum: "A" "B" ""

Code that specifies whether a record is a base (preferred) or alternate record. Base records (represented as "B") can represent a range of addresses or an individual address, such as a firm record, while alternate records (represented as "A") are individual delivery points. Base records are generally preferred over alternate records. Government deliveries will only be listed on alternate records with the appropriate government building indicator (federal, state, or city) set.

string (LACS Status Indicator)
Enum: "" "L"

The Locatable Address Conversion Service (LACS) indicator describes records that have been converted to the LACS system (a product/system in a different USPS® product line that allows mailers to identify and convert a rural route address to a city-style address). Rural route and some city addresses are being modified to city-style addresses so that emergency services (e.g., ambulances, police) can find these addresses more efficiently.

  • L = LACS address: The old (usually rural-route) address that has been converted for the LACS system.
  • Blank = Not applicable
string (Government Building Indicator)
Enum: "" "A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" "G"

An alphabetic value that identifies the type of government agency at the delivery point and/or whether a firm is the only delivery at an address. For this purpose, "address" is defined as the complete delivery line (e.g., complete street address and, if included as part of the firm record, the secondary abbreviation and/or address secondary number).

  • A = City government building—alternates only
  • B = Federal government building—alternates only
  • C = State government building—alternates only
  • D = Firm only—base and alternates
  • E = City government building and firm only—alternates only
  • F = Federal government building and firm only—alternates only
  • G = State government building and firm only—alternates only
string (State Abbreviation)

A 2-character abbreviation for the name of a state, U.S. territory, or armed forces ZIP Code designation. If APO/FPO/DPO, then the state abbreviation will be “AA,” “AE,” or “AP.”

string (State)

Full name of a state, U.S. territory, or armed forces ZIP Code designation.

string (Municipality City State Key)

Municipality City State Key. Currently blank.

string (Urbanization City State Key)

An index to the City State file that provides the urbanization name for this delivery range.

string (Preferred Last Line City State Key)

In the Carrier Route, Five-Digit ZIP Code, Delivery Statistics, and ZIP + 4 products, an index to the City State product record that provides the preferred last-line name for this address range. In the City State product, the preferred last line city/state key contains the key value of a City State product record that has the default preferred or alternate preferred last-line key for a given ZIP Code.

string (County Name)

The name of the county or parish in which the 5-digit ZIP Code resides. If APO/FPO/DPO, then the county name will be blank.

string (City Name)

A valid city name for mailing purposes; appears in the last line of an address on a mail piece.

string (City State Name Abbreviation)

A standard 13-character abbreviation for a city/state name. This field is only used for names that are greater than 13 characters in length and have a city/state mailing name indicator of "Y." If the field is longer than 13 characters and the city/state mailing name indicator is "N," the field will be blank.

string (Preferred Last Line City State Name)

Field that contains the default preferred or alternate preferred last-line name for a ZIP Code.

string (City State Name Facility Code)
Enum: "B" "C" "N" "P" "S" "U" "Y" ""

The type of locale identified in the city/state name. The facility may be a USPS facility, such as a post office, station, or branch, or it may be a non-postal place name. City/state name facility codes include the following:

  • B = Branch
  • C = Community post office (CPO)
  • N = Non-postal community name, former USPS facility, or place name
  • P = Post Office
  • S = Station
  • U = Urbanization
string (ZIP Classification Code)
Enum: "" "M" "P" "U"

A field that describes the type of ZIP area that a 5-digit ZIP Code serves, e.g., a single educational institution, post office boxes only, or a single address that has unusually high mail volume or many different addresses.

  • M = Military ZIP Code
  • P = ZIP Code having only Post Office Boxes
  • U = Unique ZIP Code (ZIP assigned to a single organization)
  • Blank = Standard ZIP with many addresses assigned to it
string (City State Mailing Name Indicator)

Specifies whether or not the city state name can be used as a last line of address on a mail piece.

  • "Y = City/state name is a USPS-approved mailing name."
  • "N = City/state name is not approved for mailing purposes."
string (Carrier Route Rate Sortation and Merged 5-Digit Indicator)

Identifies where automation Carrier Route rates are available and where the commingling of automation and non-automation mail, including Enhanced Carrier Routes and 5-digit presort, on the same pallet or in the same container is allowed.

Finance Number (string) or Finance Number (number) (Finance Number)

A code assigned to Postal Service facilities (primarily Post Offices) to collect cost and statistical data and compile revenue and expense data.

Congressional District Number (string) or Congressional District Number (number) (Congressional District Number)

A standard value identifying a geographic area within the United States served by a member of the U.S. House of Representatives. If Army/Air Force (APO), Fleet Post Office (FPO), or Diplomatic/Defense Post Office (DPO), this field will be blank. If there is only one member of Congress within a state, the code will be "AL" (at large).

County Number (string) or County Number (number) (County Number)

The Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) code assigned to a given county or parish within a state. In Alaska, it identifies a region within the state. If APO/FPO/DPO, and the record type is “S,” “H,” or “F,” the county number will be blank.

  • "id": "paf_8387729",
  • "dataset": "usps",
  • "country": "United States",
  • "country_iso": "USA",
  • "country_iso_2": "US",
  • "language": "en",
  • "primary_number": "A298",
  • "secondary_number": "123A",
  • "plus_4_code": "1234",
  • "line_1": "12 Armstrong Ct Apt 12",
  • "line_2": "9450 Pinecroft Dr",
  • "last_line": "Greenwich CT 06830-1234",
  • "zip_code": "1234",
  • "zip_plus_4_code": "12345-6789",
  • "update_key_number": "00000001",
  • "record_type_code": "G",
  • "carrier_route_id": "R012",
  • "street_pre_directional_abbreviation": "string",
  • "street_name": "GOSHEN",
  • "street_suffix_abbreviation": "ST",
  • "street_post_directional_abbreviation": "string",
  • "building_or_firm_name": "POSTMASTER",
  • "address_secondary_abbreviation": "string",
  • "base_alternate_code": "A",
  • "lacs_status_indicator": "",
  • "government_building_indicator": "",
  • "state_abbreviation": "NY",
  • "state": "New York",
  • "municipality_city_state_key": "string",
  • "urbanization_city_state_key": "V18475",
  • "preferred_last_line_city_state_key": "V13916",
  • "county": "Suffolk",
  • "city": "HOLTSVILLE",
  • "city_abbreviation": "W TOWNSHEND",
  • "preferred_city": "AGUADA",
  • "city_state_name_facility_code": "B",
  • "zip_classification_code": "",
  • "city_state_mailing_name_indicator": "string",
  • "carrier_route_rate_sortation": "string",
  • "finance_number": "string",
  • "congressional_district_number": "string",
  • "county_number": "string"

UK Address

Standard UK Address format as reported by Royal Mail's Postcode Address File (PAF). PAF is the most complete and up-to-date address database in the UK.

string (ID)

Global unique internally generated identifier for an address

string (Dataset)
Value: "paf"

Indicates the provenance of an address

string (ISO Country Code (3))
Enum: "GBR" "IMN" "JEY" "GGY"

3 letter country code (ISO 3166-1)

string (ISO Country Code (2))
Enum: "GB" "IM" "JE" "GG"

2 letter country code (ISO 3166-1)

string (Country)
Enum: "England" "Scotland" "Wales" "Northern Ireland" "Jersey" "Guernsey" "Isle of Man"

Full country names (ISO 3166)

string (Language)
Value: "en"

Language represented by 2 letter ISO Code (639-1)

string (Line 1)

First Address Line. Often contains premise and thoroughfare information. In the case of a commercial premise, the first line is always the full name of the registered organisation. Never empty.

string (Line 2)

Second Address Line. Often contains thoroughfare and locality information. May be empty

string (Line 3)

Third address line. May be empty.

string (Post Town) <= 30 characters

A Post Town is mandatory for delivery of mail to a Delivery Point. This is not necessarily the nearest town geographically, but a routing instruction to the Royal Mail delivery office sorting mail for that Delivery Point. A Post Town will always be present in every address, and for some Localities the Post Town will be the only locality element present.

string (Postcode) [ 6 .. 8 ] characters

Correctly formatted postcode. Capitalised and spaced.

string (County)

Since postal, administrative or traditional counties may not apply to some addresses, the county field is designed to return whatever county data is available. Normally, the postal county is returned. If this is not present, the county field will fall back to the administrative county. If the administrative county is also not present, the county field will fall back to the traditional county. May be empty in cases where no administrative, postal or traditional county present.

string (County Code)

Short code representing the county or province. May be empty ("")

string (Unique Property Reference Number)

UPRN stands for Unique Property Reference Number and is maintained by the Ordnance Survey (OS). Local governments in the UK have allocated a unique number for each land or property.

Up to 12 digits in length.

Multiple Residence premises currently share the same UPRN as the parent premise.

May not be available for a small number of Great Britain addresses due to longer update cycles for Ordnance Survey's AddressBase datasets. Returns empty string "" in these instances.

Although UPRN takes an integer format, we encode and transmit this data as strings. As a 12 digit number, the UPRN can exceed the maximum safe integer Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER in most browsers causing this datapoint to be corrupted.

Take special care when storing UPRN. As a 12 digit identifier, you will need 64 bits to encode every possible UPRN value. This means applications like Excel will corrupt cells containing UPRN values.

integer <int32> (Unique Delivery Point Reference Number (UDPRN))

UDPRN stands for ‘Unique Delivery Point Reference Number’. Royal Mail assigns a unique UDPRN code for each premise on PAF. Simple, unique reference number for each Delivery Point. Unlikely to be reused when an address expires.

Up to 8-digit numeric code.

A new UDPRN is automatically assigned to each new Delivery Point added to PAF.

UMPRN (string) or UMPRN (number) (UMPRN)

A small minority of individual premises (as identified by a UDPRN) may have multiple occupants behind the same letterbox. These are known as Multiple Residence occupants and can be queried via the Multiple Residence dataset. Simple, unique reference number for each Multiple Residence occupant.

Note: this will be an empty string "" when not used.

string (Postcode Outward) [ 2 .. 4 ] characters

The first part of a postcode is known as the outward code. e.g. The outward code of ID1 1QD is ID1. Enables mail to be sorted to the correct local area for delivery. This part of the code contains the area and the district to which the mail is to be delivered, e.g. ‘PO1’, ‘SW1A’ or ‘B23’.

string (Postcode Inward) = 3 characters

The second part of a postcode is known as the inward code. e.g. The inward code of ID1 1QD is 1QD.

The number identifies the sector in the postal district. The number is followed by 2 letters. The letters then define one or more properties in that sector.

string (Dependant Locality) <= 35 characters

When the same thoroughfare name reoccurs in a Post town, it may not be possible to make it dependant on a dependant thoroughfare. In this case the thoroughfare is dependant on a locality. For example if we want to find 1 Back Lane in Huddersfield we see that there are three.

string (Double Dependant Locality) <= 35 characters

Used to supplement Dependant Locality. A Double Dependant Locality supplied along with a Dependant Locality if the Dependant Locality exists twice in the same locality.

string (Thoroughfare) <= 80 characters

Also known as the street or road name. In general each Thoroughfare Name will have a separate Postcode. Longer Thoroughfares with high number ranges often have multiple Postcodes covering the entire length of the road, with breaks at suitable points e.g. junctions or natural breaks in the road.

string (Dependant Thoroughfare) <= 80 characters

Used to supplement thoroughfare. When a thoroughfare name is used twice in the same Post Town, the dependant thoroughfare is added to uniquely indentify a delivery point.

string (Building Number) <= 4 characters

Number to identify premise on a thoroughfare or dependant thoroughfare.

string (Building Name) <= 50 characters

Name of residential or commercial premise.


  • The Manor
  • 1-2
  • A
  • 12A
  • K
  • Victoria House
string (Sub-Building Name) <= 30 characters

When a premise is split into individual units such as flats, apartments or business units. Cannot be present without either building_name or building_number. E.g. Flat 1, A, 10B

string (PO Box) <= 6 characters

When the PO Box Number field is populated it will contain PO BOX nnnnnn where n represents the PO Box number. Note that the PO Box details can occasionally consist of a combination of numbers and letters. PO Box Numbers are only allocated to Large Users.

string (Department Name) <= 60 characters

Used to supplment Organisation Name to identify a deparment within the organisation.

string (Organisation Name) <= 60 characters

Used to supplment Organisation Name to identify a deparment within the organisation

string (Postcode Type)
Enum: "S" "L"

This indicates the type of user. It can only take the values 'S' or 'L' indicating small or large respectively. Large User Postcodes. These are assigned to one single address either due to the large volume of mail received at that address, or because a PO Box or Selectapost service has been set up. Small User Postcodes. These identify a group of Delivery Points.

On average there are 15 Delivery Points per Postcode. However this can vary between 1 and, in some cases, 100. There will never be more than 100 Delivery Points on a Postcode.

string (Small User Organisation Indicator)

Small User Organisation Indicator can have the values 'Y' or space. A value of 'Y' indicates that a Small User Organisation is present at this address.

string (Delivery Point Suffix)

A unique Royal Mail 2-character code (the first numeric & the second alphabetical), which, when added to the Postcode, enables each live Delivery Point to be uniquely identified. Once the Delivery Point is deleted from PAF the DPS may be reused (although they aren’t reused until all remaining Delivery Points in the range have been allocated). The DPS for a Large User is always '1A' as each Large User has its own Postcode.

string (Premise) <= 84 characters

A pre-computed string which sensibly combines building_number, building_name and sub_building_name. building_number, building_name and sub_building_name represent raw data from Royal Mail's and can be difficult to parse if you are unaware of how the Postcode Address File premise fields work together. For this reason, we also provide a pre-computed premise field which intelligently gathers these points into a single, simple premise string. This field is ideal if you want to pull premise information and thoroughfare information separately instead of using our address lines data.

string (Administrative County)

The current administrative county to which the postcode has been assigned.

A Unitary Authority name, where one is present. If there is no Unitary Authority, the County name is used. This information is not static, because County boundaries may change due to administrative changes. Data

source: ONS

string (Postal County)

Postal counties were used for the distribution of mail before the Postcode system was introduced in the 1970s. The Former Postal County was the Administrative County at the time. This data rarely changes. May be empty.

string (Traditional County)

Traditional counties are provided by the Association of British Counties. It is historical data, and can date from the 1800s. May be empty.

string (District)

The current district/unitary authority to which the postcode has been assigned.

string (Ward)

The current administrative/electoral area to which the postcode has been assigned. May be empty for a small number of addresses.

Longitude (string) or Longitude (number) (Longitude)

The longitude of the postcode (WGS84/ETRS89).

Can be a positive or negative decimal. E.g. -0.1283983

Returns an empty string if no location data is available.

Longitude (string) or Longitude (number) (Longitude)

The latitude of the postcode (WGS84/ETRS89).

Can be a positive or negative decimal. E.g. 51.5083983.

Returns an empty string if no location data is available.

Eastings (string) or Eastings (number) (Eastings)

Eastings reference using the Ordnance Survey National Grid reference system.

Northern Ireland Eastings uses the Irish Grid Reference System.

Metres from origin. E.g. 550458

Returns an empty string if no location data is available. Otherwise a number is returned.

Northings (string) or Northings (number) (Northings)

Northings reference using the Ordnance Survey National Grid reference system

Northern Ireland Northings uses the Irish Grid Reference System

Metres from origin. E.g. 180458

Returns an empty string if no location data is available. Otherwise a number is returned

  • "id": "paf_8387729",
  • "dataset": "paf",
  • "country_iso": "GBR",
  • "country_iso_2": "GB",
  • "country": "England",
  • "language": "en",
  • "line_1": "Prime Minister &amp; First Lord of Treasury",
  • "line_2": "10 Downing Street",
  • "line_3": "",
  • "post_town": "London",
  • "postcode": "SW1A 2AA",
  • "county": "London",
  • "county_code": "",
  • "uprn": "string",
  • "udprn": 23747771,
  • "umprn": "string",
  • "postcode_outward": "SW1A",
  • "postcode_inward": "2AA",
  • "dependant_locality": "",
  • "double_dependant_locality": "",
  • "thoroughfare": "Downing Street",
  • "dependant_thoroughfare": "",
  • "building_number": "10",
  • "building_name": "",
  • "sub_building_name": "Flat 1",
  • "po_box": "100",
  • "department_name": "",
  • "organisation_name": "Prime Minister &amp; First Lord Of The Treasury",
  • "postcode_type": "S",
  • "su_organisation_indicator": "Y",
  • "delivery_point_suffix": "1A",
  • "premise": "10",
  • "administrative_county": "",
  • "postal_county": "London",
  • "traditional_county": "Greater London",
  • "district": "Westminster",
  • "ward": "St. James'",
  • "longitude": "string",
  • "latitude": "string",
  • "eastings": "string",
  • "northings": "string"

IE Address

Standard Republic of Ireland Address format as reported by the Eircode ECAF file.

string (ID)

Global unique internally generated identifier for an address

Value: "ecaf"

Source of address

Value: "IRL"

3 letter country code (ISO 3166-1)

Value: "IE"

2 letter country code (ISO 3166-1)

Value: "Ireland"

Full country names (ISO 3166)

Enum: "en" "ga"

Language represented by 2 letter ISO Code (639-1)

string [ 0 .. 200 ] characters

Address Line 1

string [ 0 .. 200 ] characters

Address Line 2

string [ 0 .. 200 ] characters

Address Line 3

string [ 0 .. 200 ] characters

Address Line 4

string [ 0 .. 200 ] characters

Address Line 5

string [ 0 .. 200 ] characters

Address Line 6

string [ 0 .. 200 ] characters

Address Line 7

string [ 0 .. 200 ] characters

Address Line 8

string [ 0 .. 200 ] characters

Address Line 9

string [ 0 .. 60 ] characters

The department or division within an organisation. If the department element exists, then the organisation must also exist.

string [ 0 .. 60 ] characters

Organisation name

string [ 0 .. 60 ] characters

The sub-building refers to an apartment, flat or unit within a building.

string [ 0 .. 60 ] characters

The name given to the building. Prepended by sub building, if any, when the sub building does not appear on a line to itself. The building name is omitted if it is the same as either the Organisation or Building Group.

string [ 0 .. 40 ] characters

A number associated with the whole building. The building number may have a numeric and an alphanumeric component, which are concatenated e.g. 2A, or alternatively will have a simple building number or a complex building number. The building number always relates to the whole building and not a sub-unit within it. A complex building number may be one of the following:

  • Dual. Two number separated by '/' e.g. 63/64 = 63, 64
  • Sequence. An odd or even sequence of numbers with lower and upper bound separated by an underscore '_' e.g. 1_5 = 1,3,5 and 2_6 = 2,4,6
  • Range. A range of consecutive numbers with lower and upper bound separated by a dash '-' e.g. 63-66 = 63, 64, 56, 66 The building number never appears on a line by itself and can prepend Building Group, Primary Thoroughfare or Primary Locality.
string [ 0 .. 60 ] characters

A building group is a collection of buildings with a collective name, located on or near the same thoroughfare.

string [ 0 .. 40 ] characters

The name of the thoroughfare on which premises are located. It may appear on a line by itself or be appended to either a sub building or building number.

Addresses with thoroughfares can sometimes have the thoroughfare excluded where a Building Group exists, such as a Retail Centre or Business Park, and the thoroughfare is not part of the Postal Address.

string [ 0 .. 40 ] characters

It is never present without a primary thoroughfare. The primary thoroughfare is dependent on the secondary thoroughfare and appears before the secondary thoroughfare in any address.

Secondary thoroughfare are generally used to assist locating a primary thoroughfare.

string [ 0 .. 40 ] characters

First locality elements which can refer to areas, districts, industrial estates, towns, etc.

The primary locality refers to the specific place the address is.

In urban areas, the primary locality can be required to distinguish between two thoroughfares of the same name in the same district or town. Industrial estates with named thoroughfares are also held as localities. In rural areas the primary locality is generally a townland name.

string [ 0 .. 40 ] characters

Never present without a primary locality. The secondary locality has a wider geographic scope than the primary locality.

It is the secondary locality therefore which differentiates addresses with the same primary locality name within the same county.

Secondary localities are more likely to be required for rural addresses.

Second locality elements which can refer to areas, districts, industrial estates, towns, etc

The secondary locality helps identify where the primary locality is located.

string [ 0 .. 40 ] characters

Also known as the Post Town.

The name of the post town associated with the premises for postal delivery purposes. This includes Dublin Postal Districts "Dublin 1" to "Dublin 24".

The post town is a significant element of the Postal Address, however it is not always populated in an address. The official post office guide, Eolaí an Phoist4, describes post towns in the following manner:

"A provincial postal address may include the name of a town or village several miles distant, with which the addressee has little or no connection, and, in some places, especially if this residence happens to be near a county boundary, the name of the neighbouring county instead of the county in which he actually resides. The explanation is that the main mail despatches have to be sent for more detailed sub division to certain centres known as POST TOWNS, chosen because of their accessibility and convenience."

string [ 0 .. 30 ] characters

One of the 26 Counties in the Republic of Ireland. These counties are sub-national divisions used for the purposes of administrative, geographical and political demarcation. Post County is the County associated with the Post Town, not the geographic county in which the building is located. The Post County is normally used as part of the Postal Address with some exceptions e.g. Dublin Postal Districts where the Post County is not used and some Post Towns (e.g. Tipperary, Kildare, etc.) that have the same name as the Post County.

string [ 0 .. 60 ] characters

The seven character Eircode has an A65 F4E2 format. The Eircode is a mandatory address element. The last line of a Postal Address will contain the Eircode, displayed with a space. e.g. A65 F4E2.

The Eircode is always the last line of a Postal Address generated within the state, e.g. if an address has four lines then the Eircode will be on its own on Address Line 5. For inbound international mail the country name IRELAND should be appended as the last line of the Postal Address.

string [ 0 .. 16 ] characters

The address reference is the An Post GeoDirectory address reference identifier used by the Universal Service Provider.

Longitude (string) or Longitude (number) (Longitude)

The longitude of the postcode (WGS84/ETRS89).

Can be a positive or negative decimal. E.g. -0.1283983

Returns an empty string if no location data is available.

Longitude (string) or Longitude (number) (Longitude)

The latitude of the postcode (WGS84/ETRS89).

Can be a positive or negative decimal. E.g. 51.5083983.

Returns an empty string if no location data is available.

string [ 0 .. 10 ] characters

The unique identifier in the ECAF is the ecaf_id. This unique identifier allows each address in the ECAF to be uniquely identified. It can also be used as index once the data has been imported into a relational database. This is a numeric field that can store values from 0 to 2,147,483,647. It is represented as a number up to 10 digits long. All other fields in ECAF are alphanumeric.

  • "id": "paf_8387729",
  • "dataset": "ecaf",
  • "country_iso": "IRL",
  • "country_iso_2": "IE",
  • "country": "Ireland",
  • "language": "en",
  • "line_1": "string",
  • "line_2": "string",
  • "line_3": "string",
  • "line_4": "string",
  • "line_5": "string",
  • "line_6": "string",
  • "line_7": "string",
  • "line_8": "string",
  • "line_9": "string",
  • "department": "Accounts Department",
  • "organisation": "Oak Tree Limited",
  • "sub_building_name": "Flat 1",
  • "building_name": "Rose Cottage",
  • "building_number": 22,
  • "building_group": "Marrian Terrace",
  • "primary_thoroughfare": "Griffith Road",
  • "secondary_thoroughfare": "Navan Road",
  • "primary_locality": "Cookstown Industrial Estate",
  • "secondary_locality": "Manorhamilton",
  • "tertiary_locality": "Dublin 14",
  • "post_county": "Cork",
  • "eircode": "A65 R2AF",
  • "address_reference": "string",
  • "longitude": "string",
  • "latitude": "string",
  • "ecaf_id": "string"

IE Address (ECAD)

ECAF file including additional data for each address.

string (ID)

Global unique internally generated identifier for an address

Value: "ecad"

Source of address

Value: "IRL"

3 letter country code (ISO 3166-1)

Value: "IE"

2 letter country code (ISO 3166-1)

Value: "Ireland"

Full country names (ISO 3166)

Enum: "en" "ga"

Language represented by 2 letter ISO Code (639-1)

string [ 0 .. 200 ] characters

Address Line 1

string [ 0 .. 200 ] characters

Address Line 2

string [ 0 .. 200 ] characters

Address Line 3

string [ 0 .. 200 ] characters

Address Line 4

string [ 0 .. 200 ] characters

Address Line 5

string [ 0 .. 200 ] characters

Address Line 6

string [ 0 .. 200 ] characters

Address Line 7

string [ 0 .. 200 ] characters

Address Line 8

string [ 0 .. 200 ] characters

Address Line 9

string [ 0 .. 60 ] characters

The department or division within an organisation. If the department element exists, then the organisation must also exist.

string [ 0 .. 60 ] characters

Organisation name

string [ 0 .. 60 ] characters

The sub-building refers to an apartment, flat or unit within a building.

string [ 0 .. 60 ] characters

The name given to the building. Prepended by sub building, if any, when the sub building does not appear on a line to itself. The building name is omitted if it is the same as either the Organisation or Building Group.

string [ 0 .. 40 ] characters

A number associated with the whole building. The building number may have a numeric and an alphanumeric component, which are concatenated e.g. 2A, or alternatively will have a simple building number or a complex building number. The building number always relates to the whole building and not a sub-unit within it. A complex building number may be one of the following:

  • Dual. Two number separated by '/' e.g. 63/64 = 63, 64
  • Sequence. An odd or even sequence of numbers with lower and upper bound separated by an underscore '_' e.g. 1_5 = 1,3,5 and 2_6 = 2,4,6
  • Range. A range of consecutive numbers with lower and upper bound separated by a dash '-' e.g. 63-66 = 63, 64, 56, 66 The building number never appears on a line by itself and can prepend Building Group, Primary Thoroughfare or Primary Locality.
string [ 0 .. 60 ] characters

A building group is a collection of buildings with a collective name, located on or near the same thoroughfare.

string [ 0 .. 40 ] characters

The name of the thoroughfare on which premises are located. It may appear on a line by itself or be appended to either a sub building or building number.

Addresses with thoroughfares can sometimes have the thoroughfare excluded where a Building Group exists, such as a Retail Centre or Business Park, and the thoroughfare is not part of the Postal Address.

string [ 0 .. 40 ] characters

It is never present without a primary thoroughfare. The primary thoroughfare is dependent on the secondary thoroughfare and appears before the secondary thoroughfare in any address.

Secondary thoroughfare are generally used to assist locating a primary thoroughfare.

string [ 0 .. 40 ] characters

First locality elements which can refer to areas, districts, industrial estates, towns, etc.

The primary locality refers to the specific place the address is.

In urban areas, the primary locality can be required to distinguish between two thoroughfares of the same name in the same district or town. Industrial estates with named thoroughfares are also held as localities. In rural areas the primary locality is generally a townland name.

string [ 0 .. 40 ] characters

Never present without a primary locality. The secondary locality has a wider geographic scope than the primary locality.

It is the secondary locality therefore which differentiates addresses with the same primary locality name within the same county.

Secondary localities are more likely to be required for rural addresses.

Second locality elements which can refer to areas, districts, industrial estates, towns, etc

The secondary locality helps identify where the primary locality is located.

string [ 0 .. 40 ] characters

Also known as the Post Town.

The name of the post town associated with the premises for postal delivery purposes. This includes Dublin Postal Districts "Dublin 1" to "Dublin 24".

The post town is a significant element of the Postal Address, however it is not always populated in an address. The official post office guide, Eolaí an Phoist4, describes post towns in the following manner:

"A provincial postal address may include the name of a town or village several miles distant, with which the addressee has little or no connection, and, in some places, especially if this residence happens to be near a county boundary, the name of the neighbouring county instead of the county in which he actually resides. The explanation is that the main mail despatches have to be sent for more detailed sub division to certain centres known as POST TOWNS, chosen because of their accessibility and convenience."

string [ 0 .. 30 ] characters

One of the 26 Counties in the Republic of Ireland. These counties are sub-national divisions used for the purposes of administrative, geographical and political demarcation. Post County is the County associated with the Post Town, not the geographic county in which the building is located. The Post County is normally used as part of the Postal Address with some exceptions e.g. Dublin Postal Districts where the Post County is not used and some Post Towns (e.g. Tipperary, Kildare, etc.) that have the same name as the Post County.

string [ 0 .. 60 ] characters

The seven character Eircode has an A65 F4E2 format. The Eircode is a mandatory address element. The last line of a Postal Address will contain the Eircode, displayed with a space. e.g. A65 F4E2.

The Eircode is always the last line of a Postal Address generated within the state, e.g. if an address has four lines then the Eircode will be on its own on Address Line 5. For inbound international mail the country name IRELAND should be appended as the last line of the Postal Address.

string [ 0 .. 16 ] characters

The address reference is the An Post GeoDirectory address reference identifier used by the Universal Service Provider.

Longitude (string) or Longitude (number) (Longitude)

The longitude of the postcode (WGS84/ETRS89).

Can be a positive or negative decimal. E.g. -0.1283983

Returns an empty string if no location data is available.

Longitude (string) or Longitude (number) (Longitude)

The latitude of the postcode (WGS84/ETRS89).

Can be a positive or negative decimal. E.g. 51.5083983.

Returns an empty string if no location data is available.

string [ 1 .. 10 ] characters

Unique 10 digit ECAD ID

string [ 1 .. 10 ] characters

Organisation ID

string [ 1 .. 10 ] characters

Address Point ID

string [ 1 .. 10 ] characters

Building ID


Building Group ID

string [ 1 .. 10 ] characters

Primary Thoroughfare ID


Secondary Thoroughfare ID

string [ 1 .. 10 ] characters

Primary Locality ID


Secondary Locality ID

string >= 0 characters

The post town is a significant element of the Postal Address, however it is not always populated in an address. The official post office guide, Eolaí an Phoist1, describes post towns in the following manner:

"A provincial postal address may include the name of a town or village several miles distant, with which the addressee has little or no connection, and, in some places, especially if this residence happens to be near a county boundary, the name of the neighbouring county instead of the county in which he actually resides. The explanation is that the main mail despatches have to be sent for more detailed sub division to certain centres known as post towns, chosen because of their accessibility and convenience."

string [ 1 .. 10 ] characters

Post Town ID

string [ 1 .. 10 ] characters

Post County ID


NUA means "non-unique address".

The NUA field contains true when the address is a non-unique address, and false when it is a unique address.

Ireland has a very high level of non-unique addresses (NUA), i.e. the address does not contain a unique building number or name. Approximately 35% of all Irish addresses are non-unique which equates to 600,000 addresses.

The typical example of NUA addressing is where every address in a townland is the same. The way that post is delivered is by local knowledge of postal delivery personnel of which addressee lives in which house.

N.B. For a NUA address, it is impossible to match to a unique record in the ECAD and assign an Eircode.


Gaeltact refers to a district where the Irish government recognises that the Irish language is the predominant language.

Returns true if address is in a Gaeltacht area and false if not.

string >= 0 characters

Addresses points can assume one of the following values:

  • Residential Address Point. This type of address point has one residential addresses associated with it.
  • Non-Residential Address Point. This type of address point has one or more non-residential address (business, club or other organisation) associated with it.
  • Mixed Address Point. This is a special case where the residential and non residential addresses in the building are essentially the same address. The typical example is a farm house on an active farm. It is important to note that this is a special case. In general a building with both residential and non-residential addresses (e.g. an apartment over a shop) will receive two address points, one commercial and one residential, and hence two Eircodes.

Buildings can contain multiple address points of type Residential and/or Non-Residential.

string >= 0 characters

The building type can assume one of the following values:

  • Single Occupancy Residential Building. This type of building contains one residential address.
  • Multi Occupancy Residential Building. This type of building contains multiple residential addresses.
  • Single Occupancy Non-Residential Building. This type of building contains one non-residential address (business, club or other organisation).
  • Multi Occupancy Non-Residential Building. This type of building contains multiple non-residential addresses (business, club or other organisation).
  • Multi Occupancy Mixed Use Building. This type of building contains multiple residential and non- residential addresses.

Buildings can also have a more specific address types such as a Hospital, School, Shopping Centre, etc.

string >= 0 characters

The building group type can be:

  • Residential Building Group. This type of building group contains buildings with residential addresses only.
  • Non-Residential Building Group This type of building group contains buildings with non-residential addresses (business, club or other organisation) only.
  • Mixed Building Group. This type of building group contains buildings with residential and non-residential addresses. Can also have a more specific address type such as a Hospital, School, Shopping Centre, etc.

Building groups can also have a more specific address type such as a Hospital, School, Shopping Centre, etc.

string >= 0 characters

The locality type can be:

  • Rural Locality. This is generally a townland.
  • Industrial Estate. Industrial Estate, Industrial Park, Business Campus, etc.
  • Shopping District. Shopping Centre.
  • Housing Estate. Residential Housing Estate.
  • Village. Based on Census 2011 population < 1,500.
  • Town. Based on Census 2011 population > 1,500.
  • Urban Area. Wholly within a village/town/city e.g. Rathmines.
  • Suburban Locality. This is an area that is both rural and urban, as it is both a townland, and also an area name applied to houses in a town, as the town has extended partially into the townland.

Where the locality is also the post town, the type can be:

  • Village. Based on Census 2011 population < 1,500
  • Town. Based on Census 2011 population > 1,500
  • Postal District. Dublin 1 to 24
  • City. Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Galway or Waterford
string >= 0 characters

The locality type can be:

  • Rural Locality. This is generally a townland.
  • Industrial Estate. Industrial Estate, Industrial Park, Business Campus, etc.
  • Shopping District. Shopping Centre.
  • Housing Estate. Residential Housing Estate.
  • Village. Based on Census 2011 population < 1,500.
  • Town. Based on Census 2011 population > 1,500.
  • Urban Area. Wholly within a village/town/city e.g. Rathmines.
  • Suburban Locality. This is an area that is both rural and urban, as it is both a townland, and also an area name applied to houses in a town, as the town has extended partially into the townland.

Where the locality is also the post town, the type can be:

  • Village. Based on Census 2011 population < 1,500
  • Town. Based on Census 2011 population > 1,500
  • Postal District. Dublin 1 to 24
  • City. Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Galway or Waterford
string >= 0 characters

Describes the type of building, e.g. detached, semi-detached, bungalow.

Enum: "N" "Y" ""

A Yes/No field, indicating whether or not the building is a holiday home.

Enum: "N" "Y" ""

A Yes/No field, indicating whether or not the building is under construction.

Enum: "R" "C" "B" "U"

Can be one of:

  • R Residential
  • C Commercial
  • B Both
  • U Unknown
Enum: "Y" "N" ""

A Yes/No field, indicating whether the building is vacant.

Enum: "Y" "N" ""

A Yes/No field, indicating whether the organisation is vacant.

string >= 0 characters

The NACE Code for the Category.

string >= 0 characters

Name of the NACE Category

string >= 0 characters

Name of local authority

string >= 0 characters

Unique Identifier for Electoral Divisions 2017 data.

Note that this field is subject to breaking changes if a new generation of government data IDs is released. Currently this uses 2017 IDs. Contact us to be notified ahead of his change.

string >= 0 characters

Unique Identifier for the Small Area 2017 data.

Note that this field is subject to breaking changes if a new generation of government data IDs is released. Currently this uses 2017 IDs. Contact us to be notified ahead of his change.

string >= 0 characters

Unique Identifier for townland 2017 data.

Note that this field is subject to breaking changes if a new generation of government data IDs is released. Currently this uses 2017 IDs. Contact us to be notified ahead of his change.

string >= 0 characters

Unique Identifier for the 7 Gaeltacht areas 2017 data.

Note that this field is subject to breaking changes if a new generation of government data IDs is released. Currently this uses 2017 IDs. Contact us to be notified ahead of his change.

string >= 0 characters

An Post sorting information.

string >= 0 characters

An Post sorting information.

string >= 0 characters

An Post publicity post zone information.

  • "id": "paf_8387729",
  • "dataset": "ecad",
  • "country_iso": "IRL",
  • "country_iso_2": "IE",
  • "country": "Ireland",
  • "language": "en",
  • "line_1": "string",
  • "line_2": "string",
  • "line_3": "string",
  • "line_4": "string",
  • "line_5": "string",
  • "line_6": "string",
  • "line_7": "string",
  • "line_8": "string",
  • "line_9": "string",
  • "department": "Accounts Department",
  • "organisation": "Oak Tree Limited",
  • "sub_building_name": "Flat 1",
  • "building_name": "Rose Cottage",
  • "building_number": 22,
  • "building_group": "Marrian Terrace",
  • "primary_thoroughfare": "Griffith Road",
  • "secondary_thoroughfare": "Navan Road",
  • "primary_locality": "Cookstown Industrial Estate",
  • "secondary_locality": "Manorhamilton",
  • "tertiary_locality": "Dublin 14",
  • "post_county": "Cork",
  • "eircode": "A65 R2AF",
  • "address_reference": "string",
  • "longitude": "string",
  • "latitude": "string",
  • "ecad_id": "17000000",
  • "organisation_id": "10098783",
  • "address_point_id": "10098783",
  • "building_id": "10098783",
  • "building_group_id": "10098783",
  • "primary_thoroughfare_id": "10098783",
  • "secondary_thoroughfare_id": "10098783",
  • "primary_locality_id": "10098783",
  • "secondary_locality_id": "10098783",
  • "post_town": "string",
  • "post_town_id": "10098783",
  • "post_county_id": "10098783",
  • "nua": true,
  • "gaeltacht": true,
  • "address_type": "string",
  • "building_address_type": "string",
  • "building_group_address_type": "string",
  • "primary_locality_address_type": "string",
  • "secondary_locality_address_type": "string",
  • "building_type": "string",
  • "holiday_home": "N",
  • "under_construction": "N",
  • "building_use": "R",
  • "vacant": "Y",
  • "org_vacant": "Y",
  • "nace_code": "string",
  • "nace_category": "string",
  • "local_authority": "string",
  • "ded_id": "string",
  • "small_area_id": "string",
  • "townland_id": "string",
  • "gaeltacht_id": "string",
  • "postaim_presort_61": "string",
  • "postaim_presort_152": "string",
  • "publicity_post_zone": "string"